我们欢迎您 我們歡迎您 Welcome

在主里我们亲切的欢迎您参加我们的聚会, 若您还没有认识基督教的信仰或在任何方面需要帮助,请与本会教牧同工联络,我们尽能力给予帮助。如果您是基督徒,我们盼望您有归家的感觉;我们愿意尽所能介绍您认识并投入与我们一起事奉主;让我们一同在这里建立基督的身体,又在彼此相爱的联系和团契中,得着更丰盛的生命,并在主的恩典中不断成长!

在主裡我們親切的歡迎您參加我們的聚會, 若您還沒有認識基督教的信仰或在任何方面需要幫助,請與本會教牧同工聯絡,我們盡能力給予幫助。如果您是基督徒,我們盼望您有歸家的感覺;我們願意盡所能介紹您認識並投入與我們一起事奉主;讓我們一同在這裡建立基督的身體,又在彼此相愛的聯繫和團契中,得著更豐盛的生命,並在主的恩典中不斷成長!

In the Lord, We cordially welcome you to our worship service, if you do not know Jesus Christ yet, or if you need any assistance either on your faith or in life, please contact our pastoral staff, we do our best to provide assistance. If you are a Christian, we hope you feel at home in our church; we are willing to introduce you to understand and join together with us to serve the Lord; let us build up the body of Christ here and unite in loving fellowship, to live the ever abundant life, and growing in God's grace!

异象与使命宣言 Vision and Mission Statement

以愛建造神家、承主使命廣傳福音, 建立門徒。約13:34-35; 太28:19-20

Build the house of God by Jesus’ love, bearing the Lord’s mission spread the Gospel and make disciples. John 13:34-35; Matthew 28: 19-20

*** 福音使命 *** 關懷照顧 *** 追求长進 *** 事奉配搭 ***